Wakely Analytics Health Operations Optimization (WAHOO)

Wakely Analytics Health Operation Optimization (WAHOO) features dashboard technology, reporting, and consulting services designed to help payers and providers manage financial performance. Our WAHOO capabilities connect data-driven analytics to operations, centralize and control sensitive data flow, and leverage tactical tools to increase member and provider engagement and drive profitability. WAHOO provides:

  • Single source of truth and data flow
  • Real-time actionable data purely focused on key profit drivers and membership growth
  • Actuarial-backed analytics
  • Performance benchmarking

Dashboards for All Levels of the Organization

Using the WAHOO dashboard interface, key executive and operational insights are just clicks away. The dashboard enables you to quickly visualize a broad scope of metrics within a business segment—whether it’s Commercial, Medicare, or Medicaid—and drill down to the plan, provider, and member level. The WAHOO framework features three levels of dashboards:

  • Executives
  • Operational Leaders
  • Tactical Analytics

Centralized Data Mart

WAHOO transforms what can feel like an overwhelming amount of data into a centralized data mart for a single source of truth. A secure data set flows into the interactive dashboards. Dashboard access is controlled by unique logins to maintain data exclusivity.

Member and Provider Level Profilers

One of the most important functions of WAHOO is member and provider level profiling, which ranks members and providers in terms of financial and operational opportunity improvement and by clinical metrics. Wakely’s analytic methodology identifies provider and member trends, allowing operational leaders to fix the root process while achieving better outcomes, higher member and patient satisfaction, and optimized financial results. Printable member and provider report card capability makes it easy to share actionable metrics.

Consulting Wrap-Around Services

Analytics alone aren’t sufficient to drive strategy and execution. WAHOO also provides consulting wrap-around services to identify trends and contextualize results. Plus, it’s actuarial-backed data analysis and insight. Includes monthly meetings with operational leaders, quarterly meetings with executives, and annual deep dive market analysis to help drive operational results.

Next Steps

Please email us at products@wakely.com with any questions or to schedule a demonstration of WAHOO.

Schedule your WAHOO demo