Wakely Affordable Care Act (WACA) Database.

Back your project with the most comprehensive ACA database.

When your organization is navigating the ACA Marketplace, there’s no such thing as too much information. Wakely’s ACA Database (WACA for short) contains detailed data for millions of individual and small group market lives, including medical and pharmacy claims, eligibility, diagnosis, Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC), premium, and risk transfer information at the member and claim line level. This data is invaluable for benchmarking, pricing, profitability analyses, and more. WACA is the most robust database containing detailed ACA data available in the industry.

Get access to the WACA Database.

Wakely is making this data available for use in consulting projects, as well as licensing it for use in research and other applications. 

There are two versions of the data available for license:

  1. Complete detailed data: Drill down to the most detailed level with full External Data Gathering Environment (EDGE) server data. This certified de-identified data contains most HHS EDGE server fields.
  2. Customized data and insights: Wakely can customize the WACA data to your organization’s project, providing meaningful insights in an easy-to-use Excel file. Information is summarized for key fields, such as demographics, condition categories, metal plan tier, and income category, among many others.  

Request a consultation to learn more about WACA.

WACA has the answers for ACA questions.

Here are just a few of the questions our comprehensive WACA database can answer:

  • How profitable are members with an HCC versus those who do not have an HCC? How does that differ by product type, market, and region?
  • How do claim cost estimates change under different populations at various risk levels?
  • How do Special Enrollment Periods influence profitability, before and after COVID?
  • Which HCCs see the largest gain in prevalence from supplemental submissions?
  • As a new market entrant, how can I develop pricing cost estimates and factors such as induced demand?
  • How has a member’s data changed over time? (From 2021 forward, member IDs are longitudinal.)

Ready to learn more about WACA?

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Unique products and tools.

Wakely has developed these industry-leading products and tools, which empower our clients to make highly informed strategic decisions.

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Wakely National Risk Adjustment Reporting (WNRAR)

Provides risk adjustment metrics from 35 states and 19 million lives.

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Risk Score Opportunities (RSO)

Identifies and prioritizes members who are most likely to have a condition that has not been coded.

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Wakely Plan Valuation Model (WPVM)

Supports pricing, mental health parity compliance, cost and utilization analysis and more.

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Risk Adjustment Payments: Investigation of Discrepancies Tool (RAPID)

Gets the most out of your EDGE data.

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Wakely Analytics Health Operations Optimization (WAHOO)

Helps payers and providers optimize financial performance with a complete package of services and tools.

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Wakely Affordable Care Act Competitive Analysis Tool (WACACAT)

Allows users to interactively explore market metrics.

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Wakely Risk Assessment (WRA)

Provides a transparent, open-code, high-performance risk assessment model.

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Wakely Risk Insight (WRI)

Includes two major components: The Medicare National Report (MNR) and WRI-MA. Both pinpoint drivers of profitability and compare them to national benchmark data.

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Wakely Risk Insight National Reporting Project (WRINR)

Identifies key profitability drivers for the individual and small group markets.

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Wakely Medicare Repricing Analysis Tool (WMRAT)

Aids the comparison of payment rates across multiple lines of business, categories of service, geographic locations, and providers.

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Wakely ACA Database (WACA)

Contains the most robust and detailed ACA data available in the industry.

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Risk Adjusted Payments & Identifying Discrepancies for Medicare Advantage Plans (RAPID-M)

Helps plans optimize risk scores by identifying RAPS and EDS inconsistencies

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Risk Adjustment Data Integrity Analysis & Lineage (RADIAL)

Compares multiple data sources to provide transparency in risk score differences.

Risk Adjustment Data Integrity Analysis & Lineage (RADIAL)