Wakely ACA Database (WACA)
Wakely’s ACA Database, named “WACA” contains detailed claims, eligibility and premium data from Edge Servers for over 4.6 million individual and small group market lives in 2021 and almost 3.5 million lives in 2020.
This certified de-identified data contains most HHS Edge Server fields. WACA is perhaps the most robust database containing detailed ACA data constructed available in the industry.
Wakely is making this data available for use in consulting projects, as well as licensing to certain organizations for use in research and other applications. There are two versions of the data available for license:
- Summary Level Data – Easy-to-use Excel file with information summarized for key fields such as demographics, condition categories, metal plan tier and income category among many others. Customization is available.
- Detailed Data – Full Edge Server detailed data. (For a list of fields, please refer to the Data Dictionary linked below.)
WACA data can be used to answer many different questions, such as:
How is the mix of services different by metal tier?
What age and gender demographic tends to purchase each metal tier?
How does my emergency room utilization compare to other ACA plans in my region?
Which health condition categories drive costs, by metal tier and subsidy level?
While the data is useful for many topics such as benchmarking, pricing, and marketing, there are some limitations. The most significant limitation in the database is geography. In order to obtain the required data use permissions, geographic information was removed except for “major region” (North, Southeast, Midwest and West).