Dave Neiman, FSA, MAAA is a Principal and Senior Consulting Actuary in the Denver office of Wakely Consulting Group, LLC. Dave joined the firm in 2012. His current client engagements include strategic financial management for Commercial, Medicaid and Medicare lines of business. He develops member level revenue, claim cost, quality metrics and risk adjustment analytics, reporting to support Medicaid rate negotiations, Medicare Advantage bid development strategy, and ongoing strategic financial management. Dave is the lead Medicare consultant for multiple plans, including bid certification, analytics, and forecast development. Applications of strategic financial management include the deployment of alternative payment models. He has served as a trusted advisor to health plans and provider systems in both the development and implementation of various options, including capitation and shared risk arrangements combining both financial and quality targets. Dave has supported the complete spectrum of the process from financial evaluation to contractual terms review to monthly operations. He has worked as a healthcare actuary since 2002.